Questions and Answers

This will not be our usual posting on this theme:

On the matter of interpretation of secondary matters, the bible gives a little more freedom for different interpretations to be held.  Let us be sure to allow this thought to stand: the Christian church should united on the foundational doctrine-- the core truth;  but there can be some room for difference of understanding of secondary and tertiary issues based on sound method of  hermeneutics.   I would poses the following questions which Wayne Grudem posed (or variants thereof)

(1)  Are you certain that it is wrong?

(2) Will it bring significant erosion to the core doctrines?

(3) Does it bring harm to the church?

(4) Is there any historical precedence for it? (Only if necessary)

(5) What is the consensus opinion on the matter?  (Only if necessary)

(6) Can you see any way in which it poses a threat to the church?

(7) Are there any personal bias's at play?

(8) How does the teacher come across with regards to their attitude? 

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