
Showing posts from April, 2021

A warning

 JC Ryle once said the following words which we must take to heart about well need men in the church: "Infallibility is not found in the early fathers, ordained men, learned men, godly ministers; but in the bible ."    (warnings to the church; paper 6; pg. 101-103)  

Evangelical feminist: a contradictory position.

    In the recent weeks one Charismatic feminist has revealed that she does not know nor understand the scriptures. nothing new there! but here is what she had to say on complimentarianism: Let me be blunt. When you functionally treat complimentarianism -- a doctrine of men-- as if it belongs in the first matters of importance, yea, as a litmus test for where one stands on inerrancy and authority of scriptures, you are the ones who have misused scriptures. You went too far.  There is the argument and she can be as "blunt" as she wishes; but when we see a statement which is so clearly full of error. It must be challenged. And so, let us, therefore begin The straw-manning the opponent.  Note the first lines: " When you functionally treat complimentarianism -- a doctrine of men-- as if it belongs in the first matters of importance..."  It does not take long to see the problem. Not one person who holds to the complimentarian view believe that it is a matter pertaining t
  Speaking of the spiritual battle the Christian is lock in, Francis shaeffer states: It will take a life committed to Christ, founded in truth, lived in righteousness and grounded in the gospel.  -The Great Evangelical Disaster Pg. 25.  

The liberal compromise of the church.

  Francis Shaeffer,  a man greatly used of God, once said this regarding much of the church today: "for the evangelical accommodation to the world of our age represents the removal of the last barrier against the breakdown of our culture. And with the final removal of this barrier will come the chaos and the rise of authoritarianism in some form to restore social order."  Now we have gone nearly four decades since this statement was spoken and written down; and we have seen the very prophetic reality taken place in the last several years. The once strongly held beliefs of the church (and while still held in some quarters as it must be) have subtly been replace with what can only be described as worldly philosophies and practices. It may sound harsh; but in all cases it is the truth.  How do I substantiate this claim that much of what calls itself Christianity have abandoned the Faith? Well, think of what it is that most people view as being the church these days: the Charisma

War Against The Truth

  The Christian Faith is one which holds the unique position of expressing an absolute truth; no other philosophical worldview nor religious worldview can even make such a claim as it has no justification. They are all their own worst enemy for they are contradictory with themselves and each other. If you do not believe this to be the case; then just consider what they say about the biblical witness: in one breath, they will affirm its truthfulness; and then the other, they will deny it by claiming things which cannot be demonstrated. But that is not the issue here as much as it may have some place in the discussion; we need to consider this more broadly or in more general terms.  The bible is clear that there is such a thing as absolute truth; and to even live in this world we must at least subconsciously agree with this premise; even if some of us at best of times speak in ways which may suggest we do not. For example, we would all agree that certain things are absolutely right such

Miscarriage of Justice.

  This above title suggests that someone has been convicted of a crime of which they had no connection too. In other words,   what we are dealing with is a wrongful conviction based on a multiplicity of erroneous propositions. It is important to understand just what this does to the one whom it happened too; and to all those who are related to them. It is simply outrageous and unwarranted. It is another example of dangerous conduct on those who are doing such a thing. How does one live with themselves when they are so willing to bend the rules in order satisfy some personal grudge. The scriptures tells us that the Law must not operate on  "false balance" because it is "an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is His delight." (Proverbs 11:1) In pointing this out, I am simply saying that any court of Law which acts out of clear prejudice and bias has already lost its true aim which is "punish evil doers and protect the innocent." (Romans 13:1-7) But th

Deadly deception from within.

  In the last one hundred and fifty years much of the Christian body has been infected by the disease of liberal thought and practice when it comes to how the church should function. It started with idealism of enlightenment which was a German philosophy; and this led to a most deadly manipulation of the mind, which insisted that man was free to reason things for himself. But the truth was clear: it was the first sign of an anti-godly system of though that was designed to lead men astray. But there is nothing new under the sun for the same deadly tendencies have been there since the deception in the Garden "has God said." Next, we saw the ideal of Modernism which said that truth cannot be known a part from the aid of science and human reason. these things were seen as the only authoritative means of knowing the value of anything in the world. the thought was the following: "if it can be verified by science and human reasoning; then there is value to be had in accepting i