Book Review: life of John Murray


Here we have the biography of one of the Christian faith's finest scholars and theologians of the 20th century. This book gives us an outline of his life from his childhood days to his later life; there are a few important area's which stand out for his devotion to the Lord and the work he done for the kingdom. To this end, Iain Murray gives us three deduction regarding John's ministry and life as a Christian:

1. He knew Christ's supreme and exclusive position in the Kingdom of God.
2. He knew his own subordinate place in the kingdom of God.
3. He knew the only method of development, 'he must increase, but i must decrease'. 

These points are taken from a sermon on John 3:29-30, which he preached. But nonetheless, these three point could be seen as a great means of viewing ones own Christian life-- and I am sure this must have been so even for his own life. 

John's efforts for the kingdom are vast and very illuminous-- this includes a 2 volume commentary on the epistle to Romans which took many years(possibly 50-64); he gave many different address on various theological issue which was compiled into four volumes called collected writing (1976-); and he also done a short theological treatise called redemption: accomplished and applied.(1961) 

The most important thing we learn about this dear brother is that his Christian life was consistent from the stand point of every avenue which he walk: personal, religious; professional. 

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