Book Review: dangerous airwaves.

False teachers, the church has been plagued with them from its very inception. Whether that would a single man that leads people astray and from a cult; or even a single man that leads people to walk away from sound church's-- it has always been the way that the Devil has operated throughout the history of the Christina church.  And why should it be any different now men rise and spew falsehoods: it can be both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it mean false Christian will walk away; and a curse because the church must be prepared to deal with such inconveniences and it is to some degrees woefully unprepared. 

But one stands out in the forefront and does just this very thing: James White, in this small but masterful work, takes on another false teacher and his teaching about the church being under God judgement in these last days. He is speaking of Harold Camping who made his teaching between 1994-2001 about how his ministry was the only faithful one which upheld God's latest call.  What is the basic thought of this teaching? 

While the book covers a lot of ground; it can be boiled down to three basic points which James refutes systematically:

(1) The church age has come to an end along with baptism and Lord Supper.

(2) The Holy Spirit does not blessing pastoral teaching even if it is faithful to the text.

(3) Only H e has the correct interpretation of scriptures now. 

Now I would recommend this book for those who may come across this teaching; and other which share many similarities to it, as it would be a helpful way for us to know the truth from error.

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