Book review: rediscovery of expositoy preaching.


"This new training manual will greatly enlighten and embolden all who take their commission to preach seriously."  Says Richard . C. Lucas. And he is right.

This work is a compilation of  essays on the the central and defining issue for the Pastor; and his role as a divinely called proclaimer of the inerrant and infallible Word of God. To help understand the matter before us John has edited this work which includes 19 papers which speak volumes on the heart of the pulpit ministry; preaching and teaching the scriptures faithfully and uncompromisingly; but not only that, preaching and teaching it expositorally. It is by this method that come to hold a deeper and more fuller understanding of scriptures. Thank God for men who have made it their life to do just this.

Let me put before you what we are treated to in this work. It is divided into five basic sections which have a number of papers fixed to them. And this helpful as it gives a frame of thought to follow:

(1) Proving the priority of expository preaching.  
(2) Preparing the expositor.
(3) processing and principlising the biblical text.
(4) pulling the expository message together.
(5) preaching the exposition.

Each of these section gives us a foundation for understand as to why the bible itself demands for this to be the only way for it to be dealt with. And I would recommend this volume-- even if it is for one chapter (11) 'A study method for expository preaching.'

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