Book review: The Christian Life.


I would like to take some time in recommending this book 'the Christian life' for the contemplation of others who are serious about the great doctrines of the faith. I admit that this is not a thorough examination; but as the subtitle suggests  "a doctrinal introduction." The author is setting out to give a brief treatment of the subject; but still has done the best convey the deeper truths or the most basic truth in a balanced manner. 

It should be noted that "in recent decades"  says the Sinclair Ferguson  "observers have began to notice a new desire among for a solid foundation upon which experience may be built."  (xi)  And this is true to a large extent that after being given sub-standard teaching for a period, people are seeking out something which has more depth and biblical content. I know that to be true because it was the position I was in a little over a decade ago. And I am thankful for the deep and abide truth that is faithfully and uncompromisingly taught. 

there are two reasons that this book stands out to me, even if have not read as of yet but I will. (1) I have read several of his books on particular subjects and was tremendously blessed by them. In fact, I have done a review on one of them "Devoted to God."  (2)  and on a more basic level, new Christians who are wanting an introduction to the doctrines, this book will be a helpful aid to gain more understanding. 

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