Book review: the intolerance of tolerance.

In today's society where discernment and disagreement finds a place in the by-gone era; where it is has been relegated to annals of historical anomalies. Ideas which either take back-seat to new fads and phases or the hands of the revisionists who seek to insert some kind of new-normal as it is so wonderfully referred to but in reality it is neither new or normal. But we who see the importance of such a crucial and beneficial tool must stand up and say "we cannot afford to put aside discernment for the sake of a perverse society that hellbent on destroyed Christian values."  No-- we must fight it and win this battle that is not only otherly-destructive but likewise is self-destructive.  

In this book, D.A Carson, masterfully tackles this subject and brings truth and clarity to the issue. And as we see early on in this work gives a most important statement regarding true tolerance and new tolerance. He says: "Tolerance:"  as it should be understood  "acceptance of the existence of different view; and some which you may disagree with openly and very vehemently (the original definition). "  And then there is "Tolerance:"  as it is now understood "acceptance of different view as if there no reason to be concerned or  even worried if they conflict with our own beliefs or even if they do not show acceptance other ways of life."  Do we see the difference in these things? one is merely an acknowledgement of something; but never supporting it in any way; shape or form; while the other a wholehearted allowance of something without nay critical analysis of it to know if it is a good thing.  

Christianity is a system which has at the heart of it the crucial role of discernment. We are to test everything in order to accept or reject it; but never blindly accept it because people say that it is true. In the last chapter of work we are offered two lesson for discernment:

(1) Expose the New Tolerance's moral and epistemological bankruptcy. 
(2) Preserve a place for Truth.
(3) Expose the New Tolerance's condescending arrogance.
(4) Insist that the New Tolerance is not "progress." 
(5) Distinguish between empirical diversity and inherent goodness of all diversity. 
(6) Challenge Secularism's ostensible neutrality and superiority.
(7) Practice and encourage civility.
(8) Evangelise.
(9) Be prepared to suffer.
(10) Delight in and trust God.

If we allow the world to define what we are to believe as Christians; and how we are to live in this world-- then we will be nothing more than compromisers. New compromise but always reject unbiblical ways of living. 


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