
In a sermon given in 2019 John MacArthur states the following on the destructive tendency to neglect discernment; and it is true:

Number One: This is the product of the weakening of doctrinal clarity and conviction. That ought to be obvious to everybody. Discernment can’t exist where there’s really indifference toward doctrinal clarity and conviction. And why did doctrinal clarity and conviction begin to die out as an interest in evangelicalism? Because pragmatism took over, and doctrinal clarity and strong convictions gets in the way of pragmatism, gets in the way of marketing strategy, political correctness. And so, I suppose the unintended consequences are that you literally validate the unbeliever’s resentment of the gospel by removing the part that he resents. And then, if you try to reintroduce precision in doctrine, clarity in doctrine, he feels that this is a bait-and-switch. 

                                                       God demand for discernment. 


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