Evangelical feminist: a contradictory position.



In the recent weeks one Charismatic feminist has revealed that she does not know nor understand the scriptures. nothing new there! but here is what she had to say on complimentarianism:

Let me be blunt. When you functionally treat complimentarianism -- a doctrine of men-- as if it belongs in the first matters of importance, yea, as a litmus test for where one stands on inerrancy and authority of scriptures, you are the ones who have misused scriptures. You went too far. 

There is the argument and she can be as "blunt" as she wishes; but when we see a statement which is so clearly full of error. It must be challenged. And so, let us, therefore begin

The straw-manning the opponent. 

Note the first lines: "When you functionally treat complimentarianism -- a doctrine of men-- as if it belongs in the first matters of importance..."  It does not take long to see the problem. Not one person who holds to the complimentarian view believe that it is a matter pertaining to salvation; and therefore, it is not a matter of "first importance" in that sense. In all the works which have been published on this subject; in all the discussion that have been held. There is no one that says such a thing and nor can she positively demonstrate this to be the case. this is what happens when you filter what some one has to say on their position through your subjective lens; you walk away with a false understanding and a prejudice. 

So what is the argument that she failed to communicate; and therefore, misrepresents. It is simply this: that when God created  man and woman (yes, I said created: that is important);  He created them to perfectly communicate with one one another (I do not mean mean to speak; I mean it in the sense of compatibility); they do so in such a perfecting manner. This ladies and gentlemen is what complimentarity is speaking too. And it can only be found in male and female relationships and marriage. This is the clear intention of what God had in mind when we read the creation accounts: man was alone; and God created women in order that they complete and compliment alone another. While it may not be a doctrine pertaining to salvation; it clearly and unmistakably is a creational reality.  

This truth concerning creation happens to be affirmed by the Lord Jesus Himself when she states these words: "have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, 'for this reason reason man shall leave his mother and father and be joined to His wife and the two become one flesh?" Do you see the point? Marriage is for a man and a woman only because they were and are created to compliment one another. That is not to say that every man and woman should be married; but the complimentarity principle is clear. And he goes onto state: "so they are no longer two, but are one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate." (Matt. 19:4-6) 

As christian we never use underhand tactic.

The complete ignorance of scriptures

Like in all charges of something being non-biblical in nature it rests on faulty presuppositions and fallicious reasoning.  Let us take note of what she has to say: "When you functionally treat complimentarianism -- a doctrine of men-- as a litmus test for where one stands on inerrancy and authority of scriptures." So we note yet again another misrepresentation: "a litmus test" this is simply illogical as it is nothing of the kind. it is, as we have noted, an inherent trait of humanity before the fall. But that is not what I want to focus on. It is these three words: "doctrine of men" a common ploy for those who don't want to hold to a truth 

So complimentarianism is a "doctrine of men." Is this true or is it false? Let us find out, shall we?  The Lord God said through Moses, concerning His purpose for man, in these words:

Then the lord God said, "it is not good for man to be alone i will make for him a helper suitable for him. (Genesis 2)

In these words, we are given the first major clue.  The word translated "suitable to" can also be translated "corresponding to." Now why is this so significant? the term correspond is speaking precisely to the matter of compatibility; it therefore, is speak both a physical (sexual and not sexual) component and a spiritual component. To put this in another form: both man and women were created in such a manner that they would complimentary of one another.  This reality is later seen in the New Testament in passages such as Ephesians 5:22-33 and 1 Peter 3: 1-7; Colossians 3:18. But we should take on board the fact that it is God who establishes the reality of complimentarianism; and not Man. It is simply a false position to say otherwise.

It should so be note that another aspect of this is to be found in the way that both Father and Mother raise their children which reveal this complimentary reality. Let us not this one:

Hear, my son, your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother teaching. (Proverbs 1:8)  

And if you read Proverbs 31:10-31 states this truth with clarity: the wife and husband are complimentary in every respect. The Husband is the head; and the wife submits. And everything they do they do with the other person in view as being the reason.  

 The cantankerous feminist toxicity

It is often said that there is notion called "male toxicity" and that is a part of the problem feminism is trying to combat. However, it seems to me, that this is simply a case of projection. in other words, when one group (the feminists) is acting in a horrendous fashion that needs to curbed; instead of dealing with it in an honest fashion, they seek to justify their behaviour by creating a situation where they can blame men for their own problems. And that is what is at the back of this statement when she states: "you are the ones who have misused scriptures. You went too far." In this, we see the issue with force: it is not an exegetical issue that she is contending but it is a unbiblical premise which comes from feminism.  And as we know feminism has no basis in the scriptures at all. remember that!

Here is a helpful insight from Elizabeth Eliott on the matter we are dealing with at this juncture:  

The feminist theology of Christians (i cannot call it "christian feminist theology") is a procrustean bed on which which doctrine and plain facts of of human nature and history, not to mention the Bible itself, are arbitrarily stretched or cropped of to fit.    

This Elizabeth follows on with these words: "why, I ask, does feminist theology start the answers? one who spoke on "a biblical approach to feminism" defined her task as the attempt to interpret the bible in a fashion favourable to the cause of equality."  That is to say: the feminist cannot in straight forward manner exegete the scriptures to show their view; therefore, what they must do is called revision of the facts to fit their position even if it does not do anything but refute it.  And why is this? Because they are wedded to their falsehood. Like a man who thinks he is dead; and at the statement "do dead people bleed" says no. But when the doctor pricks his finger and it bleeds. instead of abandoning his theory he just readjusts it to include this new fact. And says: "what do you know dead people do bleed." That is the issue. 

Here is an important observation by John MacArthur from his book "divine design." He states:

... the core of what evangelical feminists must do to reach their preconceived conclusions: compromise the inerrancy and infallibility of scriptures through disturbing methods of interpretation such as "adopting novel views of the meanings of words and of grammatical and textual factors that if used in other areas of theology would probably be considered forced, if not clearly erroneous.  

This is what takes place when the church is influenced by such depraved notions of femininity rather than the true standard as found in the Word. And what is that standard? it is found in one scripture: "but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. (1 Peter 3:4) And we know that women are also given the blessing of being "fellow co-heirs of grace." (vs. 7)

Thank God for women who are such blessing in the manner that God created them to be. No more rebellion. 










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