Deadly deception from within.


In the last one hundred and fifty years much of the Christian body has been infected by the disease of liberal thought and practice when it comes to how the church should function. It started with idealism of enlightenment which was a German philosophy; and this led to a most deadly manipulation of the mind, which insisted that man was free to reason things for himself. But the truth was clear: it was the first sign of an anti-godly system of though that was designed to lead men astray. But there is nothing new under the sun for the same deadly tendencies have been there since the deception in the Garden "has God said."

Next, we saw the ideal of Modernism which said that truth cannot be known a part from the aid of science and human reason. these things were seen as the only authoritative means of knowing the value of anything in the world. the thought was the following: "if it can be verified by science and human reasoning; then there is value to be had in accepting it. But if it cannot be then it should rejected out of hand." And by doing such a thing it was determined that the Authority and truthfulness of the scriptures should be rejected for whatever reason. Should we reject other thing because of this reasoning? What about reason itself? Is that valid or not? It is a double-edged sword.

And finally when Modernism failed. Man moves onto the next idea which was Pragmatism. And this philosophy teaches that essentially there are no absolutes, all we have is a relativistic patterns of thought. the best way to describe it is this: "pragmatism ultimately define truth ad that which is useful, meaningful, and helpful." So, in the end, once you reject absolutes all one is left with is a world of people and their opinions; and no ones is more valid then any others. yet, again, we see the danger. No one in reality works on this principle: a crime is committed and you see the immediate effect is positive for one doing it; but not the one it is being done upon. The police will act out on an absolute basis of right and wrong. it is an irrational theory to its core.

The underline course

Why do so many churches succumbing to this compromise? The obvious reason is that they had accepted unregenerate and unrepentant people into their flock who held to such ideals. And when they got a foot hold in the church; they started to bring in and adopting a different pattern of ministry; and whatever it may involve. Let us give one example of what this looks like: the Anglican church was once a strong bible based church that held to the truth of the scriptures when JC Ryle was alive it was heading into danger and he warned them in many ways such as giving lectures on the biblical doctrines (Old Paths); and another collection of his sermons which was named 'a warning to the church'  had eight important thesis on the matter before us such as "not corrupting the word," and "diverse and strange doctrines." But in the current times it is not hard to notice how many churches have infected by this pragmatic approach to church life. Now there are some areas of theological consequence which of necessity must be attacked by this idealism. 

The first is the Authority and Trustworthiness of the bible. In this matter, we are told that the books in the bible is primarily human documents; and hold no ultimate value outside the Christian context; and therefore, any approach to winning people to the faith is as good as the biblical approach. and that means nothing is outside the realm of reach to get your position across. The second is the person of Christ. Like that of what we have seen before now it is okay to believe whatever you want regarding this person: he can be divine or human; he can be your best friend or a prophet. But what happens when you hold to the historic position of Him being the God-man. "well, it is okay for you but do not push it on me." But such a position is speaking from a self-refuting position because they are pushing their view on others too. The third is the fact of miracle. This is the fact that they assume that the enlightenment has given us the sciences which have disproved the notion of miracles. But the problem lies in the presupposition behind such a stand. And that is all we have is what we see: a naturalistic approach. How do they know what they see or affirm to be all there is in reality is ll there is? They can't. 

The question that needs to be posed is this: why do these churches feel that that the biblical patterns of ministry and what it is laid out for us to know think it is not enough? And so we start with our opening thought. I believe that the bible answers this with clarity. Paul says that "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths (2 Tim. 4:3-4).  Do you not see the issue: there will be a time when true and sound teaching will be put aside in favour of something less. it will be that which suits the man man who claims to be a christian but in reality has never been one. And because of this  what we are left with is the fact that on the back of such unconverted people false teachers will come amidst the true sheep spreading falsehood (Jude 1:4-5)

Now all that can be done is sound the alarm. Give a clear warning against such blatant acts of ungodliness. 

 Accept or reject our position.

What is at stake? This kind of compromise while on the surface may seem like a fair simple one to identify; in reality it is a far more complicated one. What I mean is this: you may simply see it as philosophy of ministry issue; but the heart of the issue is a complete distrust in the books of the bible. The argument that is presented is clearly a purposefully designed one which is stated with enough force that one may be led to think they are on your side. it is the we all believe the same bible approach but they will ask:  why do you accept those books? How do you know they are true? what about all the errors and contradictions? Do you think that the depiction of Jesus is the only one that matters? And so you see the matter: it is being worked so that doubt may seep through.

And this is what takes place when an ungodly philosophy is allowed to breed in the church. Take for example: social justice which is Marxism repackaged. Whether it is woman's rights or Black lives matter; all such notions when they come into the church bleed the church dry of its original function which was to "proclaim Jesus Christ Crucified" and that truth when applied by the Spirit makes men new creatures in Christ. And if this clarion call is ever mentioned as the primary focal point of the faith, it is immediately thrown to the curb by means of peoples intolerance of what Christianity is. And instead what we get is: "oh you don't care for people plights.. you must be a hate fill people cause you turn your backs on societal issue and live in this fantasy." never quite realising that the christian faith does deal with such things but through the transformed lives of those whom it comes upon. 

But what is worse is the fact that such people who hold to these compromised position quote-mine the scriptures to justify both their position and their attack. They will point to such verses as "He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim the liberty to captives and freedom to the prisoners." (Isaiah 61) But fail to mention that this is not a universal promise of many saviours; but one saviour who has come: Jesus Christ. And it is Him alone who saves us from our sin slavery; and yet if it be the will of God such a person may remain in prison or a slave (read Philemon). We are called to be an influence in whatever situation that we found in when we were called. Let us be clear that while God is a God of justice, it does not mean that we are always entitled to justice. And that applies even in the human courts if a crime is committed sometime justice is never met. Or if it does; it comes way to late for the family in question.

We must be more than willing to stand against this kind perversion. 

 The solution is at hand.

There is one clear message for all who are in need. And no matter the situation one finds themselves in God himself has provided the answer to it. We should note that when men of Old fell to sin and depravity there was an answer; we should take note of one such instance of this very fact: 

And say to them, 'Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, "cursed is the man not heed the words of this covenant which I commanded your forefathers in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, 'listen to my voice, and do according to all which I commanded you; so you shall shall be my people, and i will be your God,' in order to confirm the oath I swore to your forefathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it is this days."" Then I sad, "Amen, O Lord."  (Jeremiah. 11) 

There is the pledge made by God: you shall be my people, and i will be your God. And we must be honest there is nothing more precious to the Christian. Yet, so many are willing to give it up. 

You will live in the Land that I give to your forefathers; so you will be my people, and I will be your God. Moreover, i will save your from all your uncleanness; and i will call for the gran and multiply it, and i will not bring a famine on you. (Ezekiel 36)

Once more, we are given this most amazing promise that if we turn away from our evil ways and repent of them then he will be our God. But let us see how this action is carried out: God regenerates the person; and makes them a new creature (Ezekiel 36: 25-26). it is truly a grand thing.

My dwelling place will also be with them; and I will be their God, and they will be my people. And the nations will know that i am the lord who sanctifies Israel, even my sanctuary is in their midst forever. (Ezekiel 37)

While it is same writer as above; it nonetheless, holds out as a powerful witness. And this one like the last one brings forth another key: sanctification. That is what sets apart the Christian from the non Christian. Each and every Christ has been both regenerated by the Spirit and is being continually sanctified by God. And apart of the process is that we are given deep love and abiding passion for the truth of the holy Word (John 17:17; Ephesians 6:18). And this is a clear sign that if one argues for this pragmatic approach; they might not even be true Christians for they done not argue in a spirit filled fashion. 

Let us ask the following: who is the missing party in all of this? Christ Himself. Why does this approach neglect Him? Well, for one thing Christ made it clear is that we are "to make disciples.. commanding them to observe all that i have commanded you. what was it that he taught us? To put it simply in Acts 2 we given the on going practice of the first Christians as they gathered together: "they were continually devoting themselves to the Apostles teaching and fellowship.." Or one can think of Paul's description is Ephesians 5 of a person filled with the Spirit and who  in Colossians 3 richly dwells on the word: "speaking (teaching and admonishing)  to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God..." (vs. 19-20; vs 16). So you must understand: the church has it own pattern given by its head, the lord Jesus Christ. And we are to preach Him to all. 






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