The role of a Christian wife.
In society today, there are two basic points that are out-there as to how a woman should act in life-- let us note them: first there is the anti-woman feminist; and second, there is what is called the traditional wife role.
The Anti-women feminist: this is a person who is adamant on what they class as equality of the sexes; and yet at the same time, they are so gung-ho for tearing down any woman who disagrees with their vision for various reasons. But this position gets worse when you include intersectional issue to the debate as it leads to the ultimate position of denying the existence and complete erasure of women as they can no longer define what one is (I spoke on this last week under the Gnosticism in Feminism). This position, however it is painted is at the detriment of all women-- sad really.
The Traditional house wife: while this is a noble thing and great to see as it seems to have a sort of biblical emphasis. It is my position that it still is not what the bible teaches as we shall soon see. for a starter, it seems to equate the idea of "traditional" with a particular time period where woman dressed in a certain fashion (which was okay for the time)-- but not necessarily the issue that the scriptures has in view. I do not think the Christian or biblical position should be forced on unbelievers either. There is, however a lot to commend about this position.
The intent of this blog-post is not really to deal with these positions at all-- but rather present a third option which is the true biblical position. And I hope that if any Christian sister reads this that it will be a blessing.
The Biblical Picture of a Wife
Now one of the key texts when dealing with this most important subject is the following one: "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Saviour. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything" (Eph. 5:22-24) .Before we get to the main point-- let me head off an objection of sorts. The feminazi see the term "submit" and automatically think of subjugation. No, the point is a willing compliance based on the fact that the wife loves and obey her Lord. Look at the verse before this (vs.21) where we are told that we are to submit to one another out of reverence to the Lord.
So the objection based on ignorance of what the bible teaches fades into oblivion. However, we still need to consider what this submission looks like in a practical sense. And for us to do this rightly we need to turn to Proverbs 31 as it is a New Covenant book given before the New Covenant was inaugurated by Christ.
And such a wife is said to be a virtuous woman-- for above rubies (vs 10) and we are told that,
- She has regard for her husband. (vs 11-12; 23)
- She works for the betterment of her family (vs. 15; 26-28) (let me note on this matter: she is her own boss; and not under another man's charge)
- She has a trade that is focused on others (vs. 13-14; 16-20)
- She lives ultimately for the prise of God (vs. 30-31)