What about female Pastors?

 Can women be pastors?

Now this is a vital issue for us to consider-- and in doing so, let us take note of a common objection against the biblical mandate which state that it is forbidden. It goes something like this:

"Those passages and verse where Paul speaks in such negative are to be understood culturally; and therefore, should not be enforced today."

Is this the correct interpretation?  I submit that it is a blatant misrepresentation of the biblical passages-- both 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 and 1 Timothy 2: 11-12 are in reality as binding as anything else that the Apostle has to tell us in those letters. Now granted in some chapters there maybe some cultural connection but this does not have any baring on our two text at all. Let us deal with the passage in the 1st epistle to Timothy to demonstrate a more biblically based and contextual faithful application that the one that is offered by the liberal mindset.

And we shall do so by consider the key statement found in verses 13-15:

 "For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.  Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.

Now we should note the core truth being established in these verses is a simple one; and yet a very complex one:  the doctrine of covenants. (1) creation. (2) redemption.  How do we go about proving these contentions?  It tells us in these words that creation is one of the significant aspect because the fact that it says "Adam was formed first; then Eve.  And then in the next verse we have this oft misunderstood statement  "Yet she will be saved through childbearing..."  that speak of the eventual Saviour and the fore-coming redemption he would provide.  And let us now see how this also provide in both cases: federal headship:  Adam was the one who was held accountable for this first sin rather than Eve. He has become man's federal head as apart of the first creation. And therefore, men have the sole role as the heads of the family like him as a mandate of creation. And in the second creation (redemption) Christ has made it clear the church has the same basis: men are to be pastors only. 

Some questions:  why should Christians prayer for those in positions of authority? Why should we pray for our continual peace? why should we pray for our enemies especially in times of persecution?   Answer: first and foremost because they are created in the image of God. 

some further questions:  why should the members of the church follow an order of conduct?  because it reflect badly on Christ when we are in disarray.  Who is give the role of being a pastor and given direct and given authority in the church?  Only men are and not woman. And this a matter of obedience and never to seen as sexist as that is a foolish concept. 

The bottom line is that this passage is a covenantal passage dealing with matter that pertain to the church in every generation from the beginning to the end of the church' time on earth. 

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