The foolery of the non-binary falsehood.


What is the biblical response to people who are adamant in calling themselves "non-binary"?

In Ephesians 4, we are told by Paul,  that no matter what we must "speak the truth in love" (4:15) and that is what we must do-- even if fundamentally disagree with the whole notion that being put forth by the revolutionist. What we get from this statement is the clear fact that we must always honour the truth; and we must always show love. And it is our hope that as we respond to this above question that this goal is fully accomplished.  Let us note that no matter what one believes; or what one may think regarding this issue-- the reality is much clearer:  there is no such thing non-binary; and no matter how one tries to deny this it ultimate comes down male and female-- in other words, there is only one option and that is everything is binary. 

Now let us consider why people want escape this reality by denied the inevitable truth; it comes down to a number of factors:

(1) Confusion. In saying this I do not given any foundation or justification for the false ideology we are combatting. But a simple recognition that when the young boy or girl become teenagers; they go through many different changes that it could become a problem for them as they do not know what is taking place-- but it is even more acute in the case of girls and woman in general, for while men only face a few external changes, girls go through both external and internal changes which help to accommodate for motherhood. But let us get to the point: none of this is justification for thinking that sex-change is the right course. 

(2) Parental: this is important to understand where once it was the parent role and given right to educate and bring up their children with the view that they would be shaped by their parents council; it is now seen as being something egregious to think that the parent can be a source of strength and growth in the right direction. It is a sad reality. 

(3) Societal: when you divorce the role of a parent being forged by means of teaching a child-- what else is left? Society-- so this means that the schools; and human phycology and so forth have taken the place of Parents. And this also leads to a further abandonment of truth because if their is no such thing as absolute truth (and notice that is an absolute); then it is left to the loudest voice and best presented candidate. But it is a subtle and ever so clearly constructed manipulative tactic. because they will word it so that you think you are in control; but in reality they are forcing their agenda upon you. 

There is only one answer to this matter:  In the beginning God created them male and female. That is the quickest solution. You are a male because God created you as such; and you are a female because God created you as such. He is the only one who defines what and who someone is. 

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