The fallacy of Conversion Therapy.

The fallacy of conversion therapy  

It would appear that since the last time we discussed this notion while much as been said on the issue; not much has changed into terms of definition: what exactly is conversion therapy? What constitutes as conversion therapy or what does not? No answer. And perhaps that is a part of the problem for the LGBT "community" is not wanting to have well defined ideal so that anything that they deemed as inappropriate or evasive being put into the category.  But this leads to another problem with the concession:  

"will not impact everyday religious practice. …parents will remain able to raise their children with the values of their faith, and simply expressing the teachings of a religion will not constitute conversion therapy.”

The fundamental presupposition in this should be clear: how can they guarantee that such a law will not encroach on a person's fundamental religious convictions?   And what we need to see is that if this was about being fair and balanced in the application of such a law then it would be applied across the board. In other words, for this law to work then it would have be universal, but I can bet that it won't be because it will not apply to those who are enforcing it and what they are trying to force on the majority. 

The thing this shows us is that scriptures are being vindicated: "For although they knew God, they did not honour him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools," (Romans 1:21-22) The point here is not to make some theological point though it can be established; but rather show that due to sin men can and do argue in the most convoluted manner even to the point of it being illogical and self-refuting. 

 A misplaced notion

It has never been the Christian place to use "conversion therapy" tactics to bring about any kind of positive result, but rather to simply preach the truth and leave the rest to God who alone bring a person to faith. So, therefore, where does the idea that Christians use illegal means to achieve the ends they have mind come from? It comes from the LGBT propaganda manual which has no basis in reality; but it is this foolish idea that the media has taken and put in full view in order to get a emotive frenzy. And the gullible and naïve have swallowed hook, line and sinker  like a drug.

Think about it for a moment, back in the late 1980's there was a book put out by two men which put forth a four part plan to turn people away from the truth that Homosexuality is a sin called After the ball: how America will will conquer its fear and hatred of gays in the 90's and other such works one of which put a four step process: (1) overcoming crazy; (2) overcoming sinful; (3) overcoming criminal; (4) overcoming subversive. And this has all been put into effect in the most well established T.V programmes. 

I recall in one example of this where by a Pastor was said to be crazy for simply following the biblical standard of what sin is; and he was arrested for it. The charge was disturbing the peace. Let us be consistent most LGBT propaganda displays does the same thing. Does this not fit the scriptural warning:

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

This ungodly attitude and thought has even infected the church; and from there it has led to many who claim to be Christians to apostatise. But it is worse because even once solid church have succumbed to this folly. No matter what all born again believers have to allow the scriptures determine their outlook on life and what is permissible or not. We cannot do something which is against the God who redeemed us. And in this case, we certainly are seeing an evidence of "people not enduing sound teaching" because they are turning to "teachers that suit their own passions." 

Conversion therapy is nothing more than a misdirection. 

 A slippery slope of falsehood 

In order for anyone to believe in and hold to this "conversion therapy" position; one must deny categories; and even more, truth. Because it is simply a term that is without definition and meaning; there can be no boundaries as what it people are willing to sacrifice so that it can be pushed forth. Think for a moment about the following situation: a preacher is out there proclaiming the gospel to the masses of hearer; and he says that "homosexuality is a sin and will be judged some day soon."  Alright so far! what if he adds "even though in and of yourself you can do nothing to change but by the grace of God, and the work of the Spirit you can come to the place where you can turn away from that sin."  

Is that kind of message acceptable in today's climate? While it may be true and right in the realms of biblical theology-- however, it would be deemed unacceptable to many in this day and age. Now if that is deemed as being unhealthy and comes under the "conversion therapy" ban. Now we enter into a place where one felt needs are being accommodated for more than God's truth is by the common man. It is a dangerous position to be in. 

More than that,  it is the beginning of a very dangerous trend: how many other acts that sinful will be accommodated for?  Once you open the door for one sinful act to normalised; you will have no basis to deny or reject others apart from subjectivity. And, of course,  that is precisely what allowed the first sinful act to be accommodated for. 

Think about what these words are speaking too:

And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them. ( Romans 1:26-32)

Do you see the trajectory taking place? Men were "filled with all manners of unrighteousness..."  And as result of that they "not only do them but give approval to those who practice them."  A sad reality. Because they want to put an end to something that cannot define or easily identify; by doing this they are giving approval to such perversity and such wicked acts. But then again we are dealing a LGBT misinformation tactic.

 A misdiagnosis of the matter

Let us come to a correct understanding of the whole situation before us because it starts of with false terminology "conversion therapy" which is a misnomer in and of itself. But if we are dealing with religious matters-- in particular Christianity then it does not really deal with the issues as we will see soon. For now I want to consider two things that we are being told in this whole law that is being established:

(1) coercion or control. 

This would cover talking conversion therapy that had a "serious effect" on the victim, including "a substantial adverse effect on the victims day to day activities". 

Not only do I agree with The Christian Institute that this is very vague; but I would go one step further, it is equally misleading with the jargon "victim."  Think for the moment: if the illustration I provide above of a preacher warning against sin were to take place; then the person labelled "a victim"  a sinner who is a victim of his own deceit. And those enabling Him in such a delusion are his enablers. And as we read in Romans 1 that judgement will be equally their own. The Apostle Paul speaks of "philosophy and vain deceit"  in Col. 2:8 which this kind jargon is perfect representation of; for none can give a worthy understanding of this ideal.  And Apostle peter says that such people will be "destroyed by their own destruction; suffering wrong for their own wrongdoing" in 2 Peter 2:12c-13a.

(2) Motivations of conversion therapy.

 This means having the "intention of changing a person's sexual orientation or changing them to or from being transgender."  

Welcome to the government being God. In other words, such a law would mean that they can read and understand the very base intentions of people; and of course, such a thing is near impossible because it would mean that they are God.  How do we not see this as being a tactic which would more than anything lead to falsely imputing motives to people based on the flimsiest evidence?  But let us note that the idea of  holding  "the intention of changing a person's sexual orientation or changing them to or from being transgender."  Not only does this miss the point; it severely underestimate the sovereign work of God. And more than that, it undermines it too.  If we are dealing with the Christian faith then here is the motivation: we are to proclaim the gospel; and leave it to God who truly saves a person from their sins. We are only told to preach: repent of your sin; and turn to Christ for the forgiveness of sins." (Mark 1: 15; Acts 2:38; John 3:3,5 and 14-15; 1 Thess. 1:9-10). 

There is simply no basis to agree with such a flimsy nonsensical ideal.  

 What, then, is it that the Christian faith points too?

Now let us turn to what the real issue that needs to be identified: "conversion therapy" does not in realty exist; there is however a mashing up of two concepts and misapplied ide. Notice for a moment that we are deal with a Christian concept of conversion;  and a secular manipulation tactic therapy. Let us deal with each point one by one:

Conversion:  in Christian theology the idea of conversion is a dual act: God is at work in the person; and the person is at work on the outside. In other words it is what can be known as a true dualist activity. What is act entail is that one must repent of their sin and actively turn away from said sin; and then place their faith in Christ as the only means for redemption. We have seen some of the passage which deal with this truth. It is by the preaching of the gospel that conversion takes place in a persons life. 

Next, we must understand that it is not a purely human act as some have suggested; but in reality it is something pre-necessitate a divine act in order for it to take place. And that is the Act of Regeneration. When the Spirit renews the person in the heart and soul, He opens the person and enables the person to act in faith to the message; and come to love Christ and seek to do what is required of him. 

Therapy: as I have said this is not a biblical ideal but a secular one that does not yield any real results. But that is not the issue: Christian counselling is something that should never be misrepresented; for we are dealing the much needed counselling that in many cases is required to give good Christian instruction to those who are struggling with all kinds of sin. There are great works on this such competent to counsel.

The thing that we need to understand at this juncture is that it is not specialised role as anyone who is called to it can do it. Even Pastors as part of their role can gear their sermons to fill this requirement when they are exhorting and warning people. 

Think on these words from Phil. 1:9-11: 

And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.









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