Greif proves evolution is a lie.

In recent days there was a vicious attack on a young child by a dog (not the first time) which is a very sad thing when it happens. But what came out of this is a clear evidence that Evolution is nothing more than a complete lie. And that Genesis 1:26-27 is vindicated as being the truth: Man has inherent dignity; worth and value

And here are the reasons why this is the case:

Conclusion one: the very fact that such a horrendous act produces in other humans such  a brokenness inside due to the loss of a child provides us with a clear sign that we have been created in the image of God. And the loss of life cripple us to a degree that the loss of animal could never measure up to.  And here is the reason for that: the bond between a human parent and child transcends any other bond because it is a God given gift.   

Conclusion two: the fact that the taking of a life in such a manner requires swift action on the part of the law (the dog is to be put down). This is the recognition of the value of life that is inherent in mankind. Think about there is no need to for months of legality to determine whether a dog is innocent or guilty it is decided on the spot.  This show us that despite one personal opinion that man does not matter more than other life-forms. 

Conclusion three: it is in these kinds barbaric attack (and others) that man's long held beliefs are challenged by the truth. On such belief is that of the evolutions survival of the fittest is seen as the fraud it is; because if were true then the idea of compassion and empathy would be simply foolish to express knowing that there is no value assigned to one species over another. In fact, that is why most evolutionists cannot consistently parade on about evil because it does not exist in their system of thought. But the truth is that it does. 

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