Four Lessons that Face Book has taught us!

It has been well stated by Albert Mohler of the briefing that "We come to understand that human dignity means that human beings made by God are made to relate to one another as human beings. Not to objects, not to abstractions, not merely to names on social media, not just to pictures, highly curated about experiences that are distorting. And for that matter, fundamentally false in terms of reality."   In other words, we have lost a valuable part of our humanity because we do not know how to interact in the manner our forbearers did. 

But what is worse is that in this taking place we are allowing a danger to creep in. Let take note of that point. So we can learn some vital lessons:

First lesson: an unhealthy obsession.  We can be obsessed by many things; some healthy and good and other not so much. And here we meet one of those latter one which is not only unhealthy but down right deadly as well. It is where teenagers who are already going through self image perplexities such as whether they are beautiful or not (and they are but in their own way). This never-ending cycle of doubt can be very destructive in and of itself. But when it is couple with an unnecessary desire to be look like some famous model or some apparently beautiful looking person online -- the problem simply get compounded. 

And why is this the case? It is because more often than not they are comparing themselves with someone who had doctored themselves to appear more attractive than they truly are. In other words, what we are seeing is an endless web of self deceit. These people understand the power of manipulation; and have been doing it for so long that it is their game. think of these words: "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain..." (Proverbs 31: 30)  The point is clear: while these thing are apart of the gift God has bestowed; they nonetheless can never substitute true beauty of an undefiled character ( 1 Peter 3:4) 

Let all women be sure to understand that this is what matters. 

Second lesson: a harbour for perverts. There is another very seedy side to this online business; and that is simply the fact that there are those who use pictures of younger people as an allure to draw unexpected victims into a trap. It is a scam that ends up costing people their lives; if it is left unchecked. Think for a moment: if you do not have any real life contact with a person, how do you know that personally is genuine when it comes to whom they claim to be. It has been known to happen in the past-- a popular rendition is called catfishing. It is much harder to protect the innocent when a platform has succumbed to a very distorted understand of what is right and wrong (Isaiah 5:20-21)  

But it to such a person that these following words accurately describe: "They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart. They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity (Ephesians 4:18-19)  There is nothing more appro to the situation.  They are 'greedy to practice every kind of impurity' there is a word that the New Testament uses "pornea" which has a wide range of meaning related sexual immorality and deviancy . Christian are told to 'put off the old self' which were told is tied too or known for:  "which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires." (vs. 22) This is why we are inundated with such evil because we dealing with men who are unregenerate. They are lost.

Third lesson: an idol factory. The most obvious reality in all of this is that the media have set up fast course to idolatry. Someone might ask: how do you figure this to be the case?  The media, whether intentionally or unintentionally, have opened the gate way to a kind of false worship centred around the ideal perfection to strive for. But the reality is that is a danger laden mirage: a fantasy which is nothing more than well of parasites. But the real truth is clear: none of those that are put forth as being perfection are truly perfection because they are as sin laden as any other-- and their sin is magnified 100 fold. 

Wayne Mack said something which perfectly appro here: "Our society has made idols out of power, strength, beauty, wealth, intelligence, and athletic ability. These are the things that people value."     And there is no denying this to be the truth about this morally corrupt and bankrupt society.   Here is the biblical indictment on this kind of life which the Christian must: "Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming."

Fourth lesson: no accountability. Like on most of these platforms there is a serious lack of fair play in accountability. For example: a Christian can produce a video warn the world about a particular issue; and i will be banned for no other reason than it being deem unsuitable or unacceptable; and yet, there is no legitimate ground for such a thing to begin with-- simply hurting someone feelings. And it is the same here but with a different trajectory it is a sad thing to see those who claim to be accountable do not know how to be accountable. Are the younger generation safe from all such danger as those above when it comes to being online? It does not seem it.

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