Media: satan's tool for manufacturing ignorance.

It appears that the west is at the brink of another war; one that it has already lost because it does not want to know when there is a clear danger right in its face. does that sound familiar? It should because it has happened one too many times, for example, in the late 1930's we were ready to give our freedoms over to Hitler all because he sugar-coat his words and speech. And we therefore thought he was a great ally in our struggles. But it was at the beckoning call of one man who saw the warning signs and dared to stand apart from the sheep; that man no matter how flawed he may have been was Winston Churchill. What we saw then was that there was no truthfulness in Hitler; but only personal and political self interest. He was set to dominate.

There is a saying: "if we do not learn from our history;" there is one one trajectory in view, "we are doomed to endless repeats of it." And this is precisely what is taking place with 1400 year old enemy; and the west. we fail to take the lessons and principles from history and apply them; therefore, we do not recognise the enemies one strategy: mass confusion and complete obfuscation. But this is the modus operandi of the media.

Dissemination of false information

Now there was an attack on a dear sister in the Lord recently at hide park (speakers corner); where debates of all nature can and does have the right to take place. The Sister is one of our defenders from the DCCI team (an apologetical and polemical group geared to deal with Islam). And in days of this attack we get the report that (1) a women was attacked. (2) man was dressed in black. (3) the motive was unknown. This is the official statement and it does not deal with the issue. In one clear word: this was not a random attack on someone; but a clear and deliberate attack for religious motivated reasons. Let us never misrepresent this reality.

what do we actually know: (1) the women was a former Muslim who converted to Christianity. This should be enough to establish the matter: all former Muslim are always under attack from Muslims; but what is more important is that she become a Christian. (2) The man who attacked and slashed her face was not some random person; but a Muslim man who was fuel by one thing alone: Islam deep hate of all things non-Islamic. Abd such attack were common part of Islam's true history. (3) This has been established already; but one or two more points: first, this sister has openly and publicly shown Islam is false and therefore this is the result. second, she was supporting freedom speech by wearing a top with known satirical magazine on it (Charlie Hebdo). 

But we look at history of Islam and see this is nothing new to Islam for such violence has always been part and parcel of this falsehood. I told you before of two such cases where a pregnant woman and elderly man were behead by a follower of Muhammad at the command of Muhammad. And what was there crime you may ask? Writing poems or saying something negative about Muhammad.  that was the "crime" they committed. And beheading was the punishment. 

Now Jesus tells how you can spot a false prophet in Matthew 7 with these words: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits." (vs 15-16)  There are two main interpretation of these words: one is the teaching of said false prophets; and the other is how those false teaching are implemented by the followers of said false prophet. Both are true and correct. But let us take note of the second one for a moment shall we? The fruit  in this case is the followers. And the false prophets will be identified by them: what will be the tell tale signs? first, they worship a false god. second, they act on their carnality. third, they will not be able to handle criticism; and therefore, act irrational-- almost barbaric.

Deification of a sinful man

Muslims are so adamant that Jesus is not God that they do what Satan does so willingly and that is twist the scriptures as to their meaning. And one such attempt is found in John 5:19 and 30 that they miss the clear testimony to His divinity in the whole context in the form of about 10 arguments. Now why is this important? because one of those arguments is this: "that all may honour the Son, just as they honour the Father. Whoever does not honour the Son does not honour the Father who sent him."   If we are to God the Father a distinct, separate, holy honour that none else has; and yet Jesus say the same exact honour is deserving of Him. The conclusion we draw is that He is God the Son; the second person of the Trinity. 

But yet, we see in the way that Muslim think speak and act regarding Muhammad that this is the only conclusion we can draw: they deify Muhammad. Think about the Shahadah the conjunction of and addition of Muhammad can be understood no other way. Think of the fact that Muhammad is speak of as the best example for man to emulate according to the Quran. Think of the fact that Muslims to give the same kind of obedience to Muhammad as they do to Allah according to the Quran. But the clearest piece of evidence happens to be the very real blasphemy charge that one can be given if they so much speak negatively of Muhammad such as Salmon Rushdie in the 1980's. 

But what is worse is that the west are guilty of this too when they are so willing to allow Muslims to dictate and define what is acceptable in society rather than it being based on what it has always been.  A Christin Pastor in 2014 was arrest simple stating a fact about Christian persecution which was committed by Islam adherents, he said: "Christians are persecuted, their homes are burnt, churches destroyed  and hundreds of them have literally given their lives in martyrdom...." (turn the tide: pg. 19). However, the worst of it is when a Christian women is locked up for simply saying she does not believe in Muhammad. All of these are crimes: are they not? Well, no they are not. 

It is God Himself that says: "he will not share His glory with no-one." (Isa. 40)  And all of these actions are clear example of Islamic deification of Muhammad.

Disinterested in freedom of speech

One of the core principles of the west is the fact that we all have been granted freedom of speech; and to the Christian that is essential, for it gives us the right to practice our faith; the right to proclaim our faith (Of course, there must be restriction at points). But there is, of late, this ideal of tolerance falsely called or new tolerance which is "toleration and respect people and their ideas." But this essentially leads to place full of darkness as you cannot outwardly criticize  on this basis. It holds that there is no objective truth; and therefore, there is no reason to believe someone is wrong. But we can already see the danger that would arise from this thinking: we could never say that Hitler was objectively wrong in what he did. 

However, the reality is far different-- tolerance: has always had a positive: you respect the person as an individual. and a negative: you do not respect their idea unless they are good and beneficial to ma nkind. And here is the danger we come upon: the true Gospel is beneficial to mankind; but the false gospel is not.

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. (Gal. 1:6-9)

Do you see the problem? it may not be apparent to us at first: Paul calls this message that is contrary to the one you received "a gospel" though it technically is not as does not come from God. This false tolerance has become mainstream and people are so ill-equip to deal with it; they lack true discernment. And therefore, a false message has been allowed to enter in which proclaims peace when there is none in the end (Jer. 8:11-12).

John tells us in His epistle the following reality; one we need to consider:

Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error. (1 John 4:4-6)  

The very fact that freedom of speech has it foundation in Christian truth should provide us with the right frame of thinking. It is the right to express ones views without any recourse. This does not mean that it cannot be counter or rebutted; it just means that it is right. But it is at this point we how the "spirit of error" has been able to take a hold is through silencing the truth. And that is what happens in this day and age.  You here it all the time: "you shouldn't say anything negative again this religion because it is too mean spirited." 

 But that is not the Christ example in Christ who confronted error more than anything else (John 8:44-47) Let us note the following statement: 

See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil. (1 Thess. 5:15-21)

The Christian is told to be very discerning when it comes to other world-views; they cannot afford to be "idle, fainthearted, weak" (vs. 14) in the faith-- they have to be bold and courageous; in other words,  they have to be fearless. But how do they deal with falsehood? Compare it with scriptures to know if it is true or false (Acts 17:10-15); and bring it to the court of Christ by bringing every thought; every argument; every belief captive to him and demolishing it (2 Cor. 10:4-5). Out in the world, our defence must exhibit wisdom and show our innocence because we will be persecuted (Matt. 10: 16-23) And we are to expose the workers of darkness.2 (Eph. 5:11)


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