
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Lord ship of Christ; and the submission of His slaves.

  Let us talk about slavery! And when I say slavery I do not mean the cruel, inhumane, barbaric and very damaging one that we all are familiar with from the 18-19 century which is based around the false notion of "racism; and supremacy" but rather another more God glorifying kind which the scriptures speak too.     The Christian as a slave.  The plain reading of scriptures is abundantly over flowing with evidence of the unique position to which Christians find themselves in. As Christians, we are called many things which are truly significant, but none are more important than this one term slave (Hebrew: Ebed; Greek: doulos). It is used more than any other and yet seem to be downplayed in our modern time (and the reason for that is understandable) but nonetheless we must be truthful to our convictions.  We accept the word Christian based on its sole use of tree times-- and we should as it in scripture (Acts 11: 19-30; 26: 25-32 1 Peter 4:12-19); but let us ...

Dating the New Testament (Part 2)

 Let us take up the remainder of these reasons for an earlier date for the New Testament. 4.  The Apostle Peter has two letters dealing with Christian life. In the last post we saw that this man of God was put to death in ad 64-67 as well as Paul. This makes it clear that these letters were written in the first half of the 7th decade of the 1st century (60-65ad); but what may not be well known is that this man of God was the human vessel that contributed to the formation of another book that can be found in the New Testament; that being the gospel of Mark, which when we consider what we are told in Acts 15: 36-41 we see that there was a split between Paul and Barnabas regarding Mark.  Why is this important?  for this simple reason: this took place around ad 49 and in later letters we have him mentioned in 2 Timothy 4: 11-12; in Colossian 4: 10b and Philemon 23 (written between 59-64); and the last reference we have to mark is found in 1 Peter 5:12-13 (ad 62-63)....

Dating the New Testament (Part 1)

In this post I want to give 6 reasons for the pre-70 ad mark for writings of the New Testament . 1. In the letters of Paul we have 2 books; the first one to be considered was written in 64-65 ad and in the 5th chapter we are told this:    " Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.   For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and,  “The laborer deserves his wages." (1 Tim. 5:17-18)   And also we have this in 1 Corinthians 11:  " For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread,   and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said,  “This is my body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”  In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying,  “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as...

Our biggest problem that has no simple solution.

 Our biggest problem that has no simple solution In any tactical situation it is always good to know two things to ensure that we are the victors. first, understand who we are are a people; and second, know your enemy. This has always served us well when dealing with a criminal. Let us be sure that we see this in the manner in which we do criminal profiling. How do we not allow this simple principle transcend the immediate environment and help us in a lager scale operations? It is a dangerous place for one to find themselves in. And so this is the place we are in now. There is a rather fitting maxim regarding history:  "those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." In other words, one can be blind-sighted by deceit and manipulation.  Two agree for a peaceful resolution; one is honourable and other is dishonourable. One expects their to be honesty on both end; the other does not share that conclusion for he has a different end to achieve. And the result is...

The Degenerate Nature of Society

It seems that no matter where one turns these days some kind of depravity is being held up as a  morally accepted virtue. There is no escaping it: it is being put forward in every avenue; and if one disagrees with it, they will find themselves on the wrong side of history and on the wrong side of the law. It is a clear testimony to this reversed pattern: 'calling good evil; and evil good' and we face a world that is bent on 'bad company corrupting good morals' .  The world is all the more willing to be led by the hand into this anarchy; but I tell you the church must take a stand; and stand firmly against this ever growing disease and parasite that is destroying society.  In assessing the question of whether there is an advantage in having transgender "women" competing with real women. Albert Mohler states:  Again, Christians look at this, operating out of a biblical worldview, and understand there is no right answer to this question because what has been reje...

Media: satan's tool for manufacturing ignorance.

It appears that the west is at the brink of another war; one that it has already lost because it does not want to know when there is a clear danger right in its face. does that sound familiar? It should because it has happened one too many times, for example, in the late 1930's we were ready to give our freedoms over to Hitler all because he sugar-coat his words and speech. And we therefore thought he was a great ally in our struggles. But it was at the beckoning call of one man who saw the warning signs and dared to stand apart from the sheep; that man no matter how flawed he may have been was Winston Churchill. What we saw then was that there was no truthfulness in Hitler; but only personal and political self interest. He was set to dominate. There is a saying: "if we do not learn from our history;" there is one one trajectory in view, "we are doomed to endless repeats of it." And this is precisely what is taking place with 1400 year old enemy; and the west. w...