A common thread in practice.

A common thread in practice 

One of the most glaring things to take place in the Islamic world over last few decades is the fact that the man and women would become Muslim will harp on about how devoted they are to the Law of God and yet show compunction to break one or more laws. But there is nothing new their Prophet once said that "a man would enter paradise even if he committed the most serious of sin" so it would no surprise that it is a common for the modern Muslim to break at least or even several at the same time as their Prophet did. 

So what is it that I am speaking of? In most interviews or on line testimony we see the follow thing continual being done:

Deceit: a sign of bedfellows

Let us think this thought for a moment. you are on a show and the best way to show the truthfulness of your new faith is to show the weakness of the prior one. Nothing wrong there at all if it is done properly. What I mean to say is this: if they actually show some familiarity with that which they are speaking on; and which they are being hoisted as an authority on. For example, some of more common examples would be: the trinity; the deity of Christ when the council of Nicea took place and what it was for. The difference between the minister of the gospel and other kinds of ministry such youth and music. Now that is not say every Christ should know or have a deep understanding; but f you claim to be an authority of any kind; then that is what you may have to some knowledge about. 

Now the question that needs to be asked is this: why are so willing to do such a thing? It is simple really; they are permitted to lie under three courses: to hinder attack; to their family member; and to further their religion. And it is precisely this last one that should be our greatest concern because their evidence that it is okay based on Quranic "revelation." Take note of surah 3:55 they deceived; and Allah deceived  and Allah is the best of Deceivers (also check surah 8:30). And because Muhammad had his own demon state this-- it would explain how he was deceived in committing Idolatry (Surah 53: 19-23) And even justified it elsewhere. And this even comes down to who Muslims can be friend as well.  

Should we be concerned about how this all works out? I think so. If they can lie in regard to their pasts about if they were Christians or not; which of course, there is no evidence for such a claim. How can we trust Muslim in any non religious context? Allah the false god may approve of people lying for his course; but the one true triune God does not. For we read in His Law: you shall not bare false witness" (Exodus 20; Duet 5) And know this it get worse when lying and baring false witness is something that the one true Triune God abhors. And he says said in such clarity:  

There are six things that the Lord hates,
Seven that are an abomination to Him:
 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
And hands that shed innocent blood,
 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that run rapidly to evil,

A false witness who declares lies,

And one who spreads strife among brothers. (Proverbs 6:16-19)

There it is: the six thing that the one true Triune God hates and I am sure all of them are to be seen in the religion of Islam. But note that it says "a lying tongue" and if it was not enough to say it only the once; and it should be; He declares it twice and the second with added emphasis  "a false witness who declares lies." And so, on this basis, the whole religion unravels in it's own hypocrisy and deception. 

 Ignorance: a well of damning proof

Now the worst thing is trying to understand the way they use the Holy Word of God (the Christian scriptures); they twist and torture it to the point of no return. To give you some example of this would be good. Let us start with one the most damning ones out there as it proves to much for their position; or to put it in another form: it completely destroys their case when they appeal to this one section. They make the claim that Muhammad is found in the scriptures by name; and more particular the Old Testament, they appeal to  Son of Solomon 5:16 which states:

His mouth is full of sweetness. And he is wholly desirable. This is my beloved and this is my friend, You daughters of Jerusalem.” 

This shows the complete desperation of these fools. Look and consider for a moment: the word "machmad" which is translated lovely. And apparently translated incorrectly as it is a persons name. Wrong again. It is translated correctly it is a description of a valued thing; and in this case, a person. But there an number of other times it is used where it means just that such as 1 Kings 20:6 where it says "whatever is desirable in your eyes." Are they going to tell us that Muhammad is in this passage too? No, I did not think so. It is simply another case of special pleading and erroneous interpretation that is refuted by the whole scriptures. But what is worse is that the root of word is chmd which is "to covet." In every other use of the term we find in S.O.S 5:16 it has this connotation. 

It does not end there, however. We find the most deadly example of manhandling the scriptures with a term in the New Testament. The term, in this case, happens to be "parakletos" in John 14:16-17:

I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, so that He may be with you forever; the Helper is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him; but you know Him because He remains with you and will be in you. 

In this case, the Muslim will argue that the Greek term has been swapped with no real evidence to make this assertion a reality. But even so, they still try to establish the case that the term is similar to one of the title for Muhammad; and therefore, they build up a boat load of arguments why this is Muhammad. And yet, in doing this they miss several important things out. But here is one thing they do need to understand: it is not description or a title in the way they think. It is in actual reality job role. He is the Holy Spirit; the spirit who breathes out truth; who comes along side; who equips a people. And here is the kicker: first and foremost he does this in a unique manner with the Apostles in the first century; and is not a man in the 7th century. And unless He reveals Himself to other through the Word no-one can know Him. 

But do you not see the most damaging thing? The Father of Jesus Christ is the one who send the Holy Spirit based on the request of His Son to the people the Son has chosen to redeem. Not very Islamic to me. But let us note that Christ in these promise regarding the Spirit actually promise the coming of the written New Testament by the Spirit: "These things I have spoken to you while remaining with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and remind you of all that I said to you." (John 14:25-26) And also we have a similar promise in John 16:12-15. So much for this kind of claim: there is no biblical warrant for his prophethood and therefore the Quran is false in 7:157; and 61:6.




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