Signs of Apostasy.
Signs of Apostasy The scriptures tells us that in the last days that 'many will depart from the faith' and that they will 'accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires' (1 Timothy 4: 1; 2 Timothy 4: 3). And the inevitable result we are told and which we see is that they will turn away from the truth and adhere to lies and falsehoods. It is a sad reality which proves that not every person who attends a service who claims to be a Christ truly is one. It could be that they are innocent or simply trying to sow discord; we may never know truthfully. How is it possible to discern such a thing and correctly identify the issue? While it is true that we may never know the persons heart motive; still there is a chance to call out the error in order to protect others from them as we go along. We can often detect some things which will lend to the bigger picture; and gives us biblical warrant to correct the matter before it is too late. Here what I want to...