The fractured cord from with in the sexual revolution.

The fractured cord from within the sexual revolution 

Do you know what you get when a perverted cult turns against its own? Well, the answer to that is  quite simple: the feminist come sexual revolutionary brigade spitting its own members to the fire. No that is not an exaggeration. it is actually a fact. and it is well documented: first, there was the lesbian ten player of the 80's who disagreed with the idea of trans-woman being allowed to compete with real ladies. next, there was a lady who said there were only two genders. And finally, there is this latest crisis of JK Rowling. This is what happens when you try to feed a new narrative and expect people to fall in line; it ultimately lead to people who disagree being marginalized, even if it is people from within. what we are dealing with is a clear case of cultural manipulation and that is a gross error.

So let us consider what has happen in the case of J K Rowling. That right ladies and gentlemen: the author of the 7 part work Harry Potter; (But that is not the issue so I will not discussing those abominations in this post. For my position on that look at the post from the 3rd of May). Our objective is to consider what she said in her twitter; and see if it is really all that offensive to mankind. she said: "If sex isn't real, there's no same sex attraction. If sex isn't real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn't hate to speak the truth." And so upon reading that statement and other related to it I see nothing inherently wrong. it is simply her conviction on the matter and she entitled to hold it and express it. What is the problem? well it does not fit into today cultural orthodoxy. 

Now let us discuss how this has spiralled out of control for everyone involved in this battle. 

Mob Mentality

Now this is the first sign of  this cultish hysteria when the cultural doctrine is criticised because it is internally contradictory and flawed; and in as much as it is contrary to reality. There is overly frenzied mob that want to rip you limb from limb in order to save its incoherent ideology from being exposed. And this is what takes place in every situation whereby the mob has adopted some kind of religion that has no basis in reality. To give an example of this, let us look at the following narrative from the scriptures:

But the Jews, becoming jealous and taking along some wicked men from the marketplace, formed a mob and set the city in an uproar; and they attacked the house of Jason and were seeking to bring them out to the people. (Acts 17: 5)

While it is not exactly parallel; it does provide us with a lens into which we can understand how the religious mob of that time and the religious mob in our day enacts their particular scheme to override the truth of any and all situations. this can be in every kind of riot that has ever taken place; albeit for "racial" or "sexual" recognition, there is a common underline theory in the modern day variant: oppression. Therefore, sin is masked by this thin and ever adapting veil of personal opposition to a widely held belief. But it does not end there; does it. It may start out with a small base of operation; but it soon has its tentacles in many different places forcing those within to submit and surrender to a new doctrine called "inclusion and diversity" which is not all that tolerant.

well, here is what has happened to the above mentioned author she has been trampled on by those who once made her a celebrity. but note how it all started: her fans decided that she could not be trusted due to her "insensitive comments" which, of course, were nothing but truthful comments based on science and fact. Not to mention the reality that God made them male and female (and that is all there is) (Genesis 1:26-27) How has this monstrosity torpedoed out of control? To answer that we now turn to the second part of this take down. Many of the actor and actress of the film versions of Harry Potter have aired there disapproval of what she has said in this whole matter. and in this we can see how the brain washing of this cult has affected even the younger generations. they only know what to think (that being what they are told); and not how to think (to discern the issue and think critically) 

Let us take notice of one of these stars and her words to J K Rowling:

"Trans people are who they say they are and deserve to live their lives without being questioned or constantly being told they aren't who they say they are."

There it is: trans people are not to be questioned. And why is this because the only opinion that matters is their own. But such reasoning is flawed as it allows people who are clearly mentally unstable go about believing it is okay for them to be whatever they want to be instead of whom they were created to be. And if it were not known then it should be: a lot of this comes from manipulation from external sources and not internal. let us think this trough: if a 4 or 5 year old boy wakes up one day and says "I think I was meant to be a girl" or "I feel like I am meant to be a girl." according to this reasoning this little one should be pushed in that direct despite how damaging it actually is for them to do such a thing. No the only response is the correct one, you ask: what do you mean by that statement? how do you know your feelings are true?  can you tell me what it means to be a girl?  (and the same is true on the opposite end of things) A little boy does not know what it is to be a girl. He is still coming to understand what it is to be a boy at that age.

And this is why it is so dangerous to follow blindly. 

 Desperation of enforcement 

It is important to understand that we are now in the stage where people who do not want to play ball when it comes to this never-ending deception; because they hold to another view whether it is a biblical one or not, are being forced to submit to this new philosophy and culture. Does it not remind of what is happening in other parts of the world which has been there from the get-go? I refer, of course, to the fact that we are seeing the same thing that is happening in places such as china where it is stated "either submit to our vision of the future or else." Only in this case, it is not to a secular monstrosity; but to something far more deadly a compromise with the truth to the point that there is  only one true account of humanity theirs. Let us stand; and stand boldly for the truth of God.

So, then,  what precise role do the authorities have in this world? The only one that God has given them and that is to do his will in the land by ensuring that evil is punished and good is rewarded: 

For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behaviour, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a servant of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a servant of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. (Romans 13: 4-5)

You see the point. do you not? the government has one duty which has two emphasis; but here is the issue: how are they able to tell the difference between right and wrong? on a subjective level that is. There is one ultimate standard and that is God's word. but this is being replaced for a pragmatic trope. There is no established or fixed point of reference; and therefore, we are seeing an inversion of the true position: "good is  being called evil" and "evil is being called good" as Isaiah 5: 20 tells us.   

But is that enough?  God tells us that that those He put in authority are to execute his will on earth. we are told:

Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right. For such is the will of God, that by doing right you silence the ignorance of foolish people. (1 Peter 2: 13-15)

Now take that last statement "for such is the will of God, that by doing right you silence the ignorance of the foolish." I ask: how is this being done when you silence the truth from being proclaimed: there are only two genders or sexes; male and female. there is no other kind. And being a male is so much more than have a feeling as is being a female. they are both divinely designed and genetically driven realities. And those in the church who have compromised with sexual revelation; and now believe that man can determine his own reality based on feelings. Shame on you. Where is your stand for the truth? Do you reject Christ's re-affirmation of the creational distinctives about there only being male and female? can you believe in the gospel any more in light of this abandonment? 

I do not see any way possible. You may try but like those Paul singles out by saying they ship wrecked the faith. you are no different.  For by allowing your churches to accommodate to this perversion there is nothing left to stand for any longer because it only take one issue to lead to wholesale apostasy. And think about the fact that the apostle says that the rejection of creation leads to a downward spiral into many errors and sins. He states: "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of people who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, being understood by what has been made, so that they are without excuse." (Romans 1: 18-20)  That is the crux of the matter: they have to reject God as the creator; and them as his creatures in order to redefine truth. And give themselves another purpose.

And man can face punishment for not obeying these nonsensical rules from this new regime. It is horrifying. 

Identity by Force 

The next step in this battle is the redefinition of terms associated with this identity. no longer is it acceptable for someone to be identified by the terms which were or are associated with one biological sex; rather, you have  to bend to the rule of this tyrannical system of death. Is that going to far in stating this point? No I do not think that is the case. If it fits the bill then that is what will be used. Take me for example:  my first and foremost identity is that I identify myself with Christ because of my being united with Him by means of His death and resurrection. Beyond this, there is normal gender identity as a male and therefore, I am a Mr. There is nothing more or less than that. However, only one of these is a societal recognised reality and that is the latter. 

But now the sexual revolution has taken it a step further and redefined things in order to accommodate all these different classifications such as "He/She -- Zie, Sie, Ey, Ve, Tey, E. Him/Her -- Zim, Sie, Em, Ver, Ter, Em. His/Her -- Zir, Hir, Eir, Vis, Tem, Eir."   These are the buzz words to describe a person; and yet, there are only 6 which are recognisable and  defined him and her, he and she and his and her.  All these others are simply non-defined term. In other words, they are meaningless.    And there will never be any reason to even use them in nay circumstance unless under force which is taking place; and is such a self defeating thing anyway as it means people are not doing because they want to but because they have too. It is restriction of our freedom; and a serious violation of our conscience.  This current wisdom can be aptly understood in these words:

This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing. (James 3:15-16)

It is a reality; a very sad reality. But these things are all demonic in nature because God has determined which sex you are long before you are born; and the scientific data only confirms that truth. It is only Satan who sows this kind of confusion (or disorder as the text states). Let us never be so willing to compromise with the enemy.   It is as we have already noted from scriptures that God man them: male and female. There is only two sexes and two genders. Nothing more and nothing less. And this was also re-affirmed by the Lord and his Apostle in the New Testament; and it is not some out dated book but it is the Word of the Living God who knows all things and understand all things. He has made it clear that the only reality is His reality and we fit in just where and how he has chosen. we do not get to define a thing but accept it as he has made it. And he knows this deception of the sexual revolution will come to naught. 

Denial of the Truth 

So-- what is at the heart of this movement? The most basic thing going on is that what we have been witnessing; and what some easily duped celebs have given their consent to is a perversion of the truth and a distortion of reality.  But we should expect nothing less from them as they have always looked for the easy option rather than the right option. In other words, we are living in what is known as a pragmatic world were the only the right thing is the easy workable thing. That, however does not mean because something work it is actually right or correct or even morally viable. Think for a moment: what Hitler, Stalin, Pot and others did in their time was right in their eyes and those they duped; but not one thing they did meant it was right; correct or even morally viable. 

And because they are so far along in this deception. God says that he will continue to make them more applicable to its deadly dangers. In romans 1, Paul tells us that God give them over to their sin three times; but notice the words Paul uses in 2 Thessalonians 2:

For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness. (vs. 11-12)

It is incredible that in these matters that we are told not only "they did not believe the truth," that is that God created them to reflect His glory in the exact manner they were designed to do: man being a man and woman being a woman. And there is no other way without completely destroying oneself in the process; and that is what these "trans-people" do. There is no other way around it. You are what you are because God created you to be what you are; and to change ones gender is the great show of disrespect and dishonour. And then God in His just judgement causes "them to believe a lie." And just any lie: they are caused to believe the one lie that they are trying force other people to believe; and it is to their own destruction. And this in turn is an evidence of how far man is willing to live in his own way even if it leads to nothing short of death. 

 Let us think of John words in the matter of discerning the times:

We are from God. The one who knows God listens to us; the one who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. (1 John 4:6)

That is the point. we are living in a time when not everything we are told is good for us as His people; and therefore, we must distinguish between the two spirits: one of truth and the other error; or to put in a more understanding manner: realm of being correct; and the realm of being deceived. And in this case before us it is easy to discern that  "trans-people" are either being deceived or are self deceived. Notice the following words from Proverbs 11: 3-7  and notice the negatives: "The integrity of the upright will guide them, But the perversity of the treacherous will destroy them. Riches do not benefit on the day of wrathBut righteousness rescues from death. The righteousness of the blameless will smooth his way, But the wicked will fall by his own wickedness. The righteousness of the upright will rescue them,  But the treacherous will be caught by their own greed.  When a wicked person dies, his expectation will perish, And the hope of strong people perishes."   What a grand picture that is of those who are deluded by their own deceitful imaginations. 






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