
Showing posts from May, 2021

A Deadly Attack On The Family.

  The biblical concept and reality of a family is a most precious blessing. Now it must be said that it does mean they are perfect for none are due to being in world that is full of people in the same boat as them sinners. But still what we have is precisely what God had intended for the family: a husband (a man) and a wife (a woman) and if it is a possible for them; they may have a family (boys and girls). This is the clear pattern which true history and true theology has always held to be what defines what we all already know and participate in. The question of how do we know this to be the case, we must allow Christ re-affirmation of the creational reality being the only one that exists and defines mankind: "Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'(Matt. 19:4) So, therefore, by any classification there is only two genders and two sexes which make up all humanity; and even makes up every family unit.  Jesus, being whom he is, ...

Abandoned by the church

  Abandoned by the Church  A chaplain who gave a sermon on the biblical position on Transgenderism who subsequently was arrested and labelled as "a terrorist" which of course, happens to be complete nonsense. He has been abandoned by the arch-bishop of Canterbury. This reveals a serious problem within the church of England that it can abandon a chaplain; therefore, by showing just how far it has fallen over the last century. Let me just say that at this point it is starting to ring true in terms of all that the faithful man of the past when they said that this trajectory had been evident to them (JC Ryle; Charles Spurgeon and Martyn Lloyd- Jones). And it is very sad to see such a compromise take place even though it is inevitable known the liberal leaning that are manifest in the church.  To quote one of those who sounded the alarm:  Most of the difficulties in the early church seem to have arisen because people had a defective idea of the nature of the Christian chu...

The wickedness of the L.G.B.T and the Government.

It is clear that we Christians are being marginalised by the newest law being put in place which seeks to "eradicate all the conversion therapy work" as the PM has stated recently. However, there is a problem with this; he is too quick to side with those who are rebelling against God. But we need to ask: is this the job of the government to act on behalf of such people by employing their lingo. No. So let us consider this matter little more closely so that we can make clear the solution. Unidentifiable obstacle on the track. The most obvious thing that stands out is that what has been put forth as a problem is in reality a solution. the ideal of "conversion therapy" comes not from any legitimate source; but from a source which is already compromised by sinful rebellion.  In other words, it is a term that the sexual revolutionary has put to a long held tradition in the Christian faith which is Christian counselling. Now let me make it clear: it has one sole intenti...

The fractured cord from with in the sexual revolution.

The fractured cord from within the sexual revolution  Do you know what you get when a perverted cult turns against its own? Well, the answer to that is  quite simple: the feminist come sexual revolutionary brigade spitting its own members to the fire. No that is not an exaggeration. it is actually a fact. and it is well documented: first, there was the lesbian ten player of the 80's who disagreed with the idea of trans-woman being allowed to compete with real ladies. next, there was a lady who said there were only two genders. And finally, there is this latest crisis of JK Rowling. This is what happens when you try to feed a new narrative and expect people to fall in line; it ultimately lead to people who disagree being marginalized, even if it is people from within. what we are dealing with is a clear case of cultural manipulation and that is a gross error. So let us consider what has happen in the case of J K Rowling. That right ladies and gentlemen: the author of the 7 part...