A Deadly Attack On The Family.
The biblical concept and reality of a family is a most precious blessing. Now it must be said that it does mean they are perfect for none are due to being in world that is full of people in the same boat as them sinners. But still what we have is precisely what God had intended for the family: a husband (a man) and a wife (a woman) and if it is a possible for them; they may have a family (boys and girls). This is the clear pattern which true history and true theology has always held to be what defines what we all already know and participate in. The question of how do we know this to be the case, we must allow Christ re-affirmation of the creational reality being the only one that exists and defines mankind: "Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'(Matt. 19:4) So, therefore, by any classification there is only two genders and two sexes which make up all humanity; and even makes up every family unit. Jesus, being whom he is, ...