Defence of Sola Scriptura: the need for a this truth to be known
Defence of Sola Scriptura: the need for a this truth to be known Introduction There seems to be an unrelenting attack on this most important pillar of the Protestant Reformation of late. Let us now turn our attention to one such argument which is put forth by both the Roman Catholic apologists and the orthodox apologists; in order that, we may critique it. Sola scriptura: inadequacy and unbiblical nature. The idea that the only rule of faith for the Christian and the church is the text of scripture is itself a-historical and unbiblical There was no canon of scripture in the early church for many centuries—in fact, it was not until the 7th century when John of Damascus that we got the canon as we know it. So this is a problem. The church has always operated on the foundation of there being two bodies of traditions. The first is the oral (or spoken) in nature; the second is the written (the scriptures). It is easy to refute from...