The degenerate nature of society (repost)
It seems that no matter where one turns these days some kind of depravity is being held up as a morally accepted virtue. There is no escaping it: it is being put forward in every avenue; and if one disagrees with it, they will find themselves on the wrong side of history and on the wrong side of the law. It is a clear testimony to this reversed pattern: 'calling good evil; and evil good' and we face a world that is bent on 'bad company corrupting good morals' . The world is all the more willing to be led by the hand into this anarchy; but I tell you the church must take a stand; and stand firmly against this ever growing disease and parasite that is destroying society. In assessing the question of whether there is an advantage in having transgender "women" competing with real women. Albert Mohler states: Again, Christians look at this, operating out of a biblical worldview, and understand there is no right answer to this question because what has been rej...