Is tithing still applicable for Christians today? Having come out of a church system known as "the purpose driven life" a decade ago-- and now being a reformed Christian in doctrine and practice. The issue before us is one that was very much at the front and centre of how the my former church collection operated; therefore, I have some knowledge of how these church would manipulee their congregations into giving a tenth of their earnings to the church for whatever nefarious purposes and schemes they had conjured up. I recall one such campaign that was launched where an American pastor of a mega-church gave a pep talk on the values of tithing; and his application if it could be boiled down to a succinct statement it would this: you must tithe because it is in the bible. But such reasoning fails because you do not hold to a practice simply because it is in the bible; in fact, such logic would imply that the Nazarite vow must be p...