
Showing posts from March, 2022


 Is tithing still applicable for Christians today?  Having come out of a church system known as "the purpose driven life"  a decade ago-- and now being a reformed Christian in doctrine and practice.   The issue before us is one that was very much at the front and centre of how the my former church collection operated; therefore,  I have some knowledge of how these church would manipulee their congregations into giving a tenth of their earnings to the church for whatever nefarious purposes and schemes they had conjured up.   I recall one such campaign that was launched where an American pastor of a mega-church gave a pep talk on the values of tithing; and his application if it could be boiled down  to a succinct statement it would this:  you must tithe because it is in the bible. But such reasoning fails because you do not hold to a practice simply because it is in the bible; in fact, such logic would imply that the Nazarite vow must be p...

Infant Baptism

Let us once again turn to our question segment; so that we can provide a thorough response to some common questions and some not so common questions. However, we only have one question this time:   Is infant baptism biblical? The clearest answer to this question is:  No. It is not a biblically based idea. But saying that may not be enough to make the case. So let me give a few foundational reasons why this is the case. First, it is based around an emotional attachment rather the truth. What do I mean? Well, it is often because parents want what is best for their children-- which is a good thing in and of itself. But when it comes to the faith, it turns out to be something which can over-rule sound biblical understanding of the text.  For us to see this we need to make a parallel argument: how does one who believes infant baptism is biblical argue against someone for emotional reason thinks that the bible teaches that every person will be saved in the end even those w...