
Showing posts from September, 2021

The death of society

Now that is a bold claim to make! What is it that I have in mind? Well, simply this: when any society that was at one time strongly based on biblical principle turns away from the foundation ultimately there has to be something that replace; and replace it I mean that it bring along with it a death induced system of thought. Do I need to give you a clear expression of this pattern? Yes I do. the continual destruction of unborn babies would be a clear example of this; and with the ever changing expression of this to include those who are born with some kind of abnormality as it is so defined. That would be everyone because no one can give a definition of what normal is-- well except for us Christians as long as you created in the image of God that is what gives us a right to say that there is such a thing 'sanctity of life'.  But this point is not only about that particular issues-- it cover a gambit of issue; but they will not be mentioned specifically. What I want to do is mak...

The folly of masquerading ministers.

It is clear when you look at the state of many churches in these days that there is a liberalising agenda taking place. And this has to do with the idea of breaking the "shackles of religion" but as we will see that it not a great place to be.  Let us take note of some important realities:  Abandonment of God  This is the first sign of a church which is turning in on itself-- think about what has happen in the last 10-20 years. All that has been allowed to take place in terms of redefining marriage; supporting the L.G.B.T  and the sexual revolution. The complete undoing of language to allow for nonsense words. All of this stems from one common reality and that is what the title suggests. In Ps.14 and 53 we are told of what a life looks like when one foolishly says there is no God.  vs 3 tells us that "they have all turned aside, together they have become corrupt. There is no one who does good, not even one." Do you see the point? When one lives his life out of t...

When a Christian invitation fails to be what it is claimed!

We get a number of different invitations or calls to become a disciple of our Lord in the pages of scriptures such as: 'come to me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest....' (Mat. 11:28); or  'who ever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.... ' (Luke 14: 27); or even 'if anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink....' (Jn. 7:38). Now these are all powerful invitations; and have several common realities about what it is putting forth which we will come to in a moment.  In a recent issue of  heart (a Christian News outlet); they had this little add which was supposed to be evangelistic in nature-- but in reality did not give the gospel at all. It only was presented as such. but failed in its operation. Let consider three areas which need to be considered with some depth right now. A not so defined position  I ask a simple question: how would you describe what it means to be a Christian? Obviously there are mu...